Wednesday, January 2, 2008

First post - Introduction to blog

Welcome to my blog!

I created this blog to publish my short stories about the military (often related to my personal experiences in Vietnam), current events, and insights gleaned from my training and over 30 years of work experience in clinical social work.

The names of individuals have been altered in the stories. In the stories with pictures or video attached and where I use names(mostly use initials) in referring to the picture or video, it would be accurate to the best of my memory (the pics and video, Super8 8mm film transferred to DVD are ones I shot.) It's been almost 40 years since I saw these guys, so I am making no guarantees on the memory piece.

These are factually based stories, although in some I exercise a poetic license. Example: there is a war story which is also a big fish story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on starting the blog!